A Poem To Adam Kyler Petty
The Final Race
Gentlemen Start Your Engines!
My heart's pounding, hand's tense, eyes focused
The car begins to roll onto the track My eyes can see the green flag waving
Here I go!
Here comes my dad
He's waving me foward
I take the lead on lap 250, 100 laps to go
Go, go, go!
"Caution, caution! Pit next time by!"
"1st gear, wait, wait, now!"
Brakes, jack up, fuel in, tires on, jack down
Go, go, go, go!
"5 laps to go, in 2nd place!"
I can see him,
I caught him!
"Clear, clear, clear!"
I can see the checkered flag
Yes, yes, yes!
Neili Eggert